A Course in Time Travel
Excerpts from "A Handbook for Multidimensional Consciousness"
by Curtis Jackson, D.D., D.M.
Excerpt 52 - DETAILED EXAMINATION OF CONSCIOUSNESS (Continued)GOD CONSCIOUSNESSAs has been stated previously in the "A Course in Time Travel", our goal is the never ending pursuit of God consciousness. It is never ending because there is no end to the possibilities and levels of "Being" that can be experienced. Mystics who have experienced some little of what is available have all been at a loss to even begin to express what happened to them! As we have said, God consciousness is a perfectly balanced array of all other consciousness and viewpoints. This basic combined viewpoint once achieved can be continually enhanced as to quality (intensity of Christ consciousness), ability and understanding.HOW IS GOD CONSCIOUSNESS DIFFERENT FROM ITS' COMPONENTS?In our final examination of consciousness in this series on the various kinds of consciousness, we will take a look at why God consciousness is superior to any other kind of consciousness, and summarize its distinguishing features.As we have seen in the last few Excerpts, there are four major components of God consciousness, namely; Christ, Cosmic, Krishnic and Buddhic. We have seen how each is an integral part of God consciousness, and how each differed from the other. Although we have seen many indications of what God consciousness is, in this Excerpt we will gather together those qualities and definitions into one place for purposes of reference and further understanding. Let us begin by listing the components of God consciousness. COMPONENTS OF GOD CONSCIOUSNESSChrist consciousness (See Excerpt 17)Cosmic consciousness (See Excerpt 18) Buddhic consciousness (See Excerpt 19) Krishnic consciousness (See Excerpt 20) In God consciousness, we see an interplay of all of these consciousness as being inseparable. This interplay and fusion of consciousness into a single entity that gestalts far beyond its individual components, is probably the most distinguishing feature of God consciousness. We have previously defined God consciousness as having the universal qualities of: Omniscience, defined as: Having total knowledge; knowing everything. --om·nis·cient n. One having total knowledge. Omnipresence, defined as: Present everywhere simultaneously. Omnipotence, defined as: Having unlimited or universal power, authority, or force; all-powerful. --om·nip·o·tent n. One having unlimited power or authority. . However, for the individual, the above qualities exist as potential that can never fully be reached! The reason for this is in the definition of the unlimited potential for us as individual beings in our pursuit of God consciousness. In simpler terms, one of the most wonderful things about coming into God consciousness is the fact that we are finite beings expanding into unlimited potential. It seems then, that we, as finite beings, need a more specific set of definitions then has previously been given. SPECIFIC DEFINITIONS FOR GOD CONSCIOUSNESS(As pertains to Human Beings)
This means that no two persons who attain God consciousness
will probably be at the exact same level of understanding and
mastery at the same time!. (Encouraged differences and variety
in consciousness continues to be a central theme, even in God
consciousness). It also means that probably no two persons will
process God consciousness at the same rates of realization.
(There is an upper limit as to the absolute rate of realization,
which is termed "instantaneous". In an unlimited and infinite
medium, expansion/contraction from a single point, such as
occurs with in the consciousness of an individual,
"instantaneous" becomes finite and measurable. If my
understanding is correct, this state of instantaneousness is a
natural part of the 13d. (As a convenient measure, I have
referred to this as expanding (out/in) at the "speed of light",
however, this in no way is meant to limit the definition of
unlimited.) |